目录 显示

A good PyTorch Learning material: https://pytorch.org/examples/

Traditional mothods:

  • re-sampling
  • re-weighting

New mothods based on:

  • Diverse Experts Learning: Head\Medium\Tail classes with different experts.
  • knowledge Distillation: share knowledge among different experts.
  • Contrastive Learning: use different levels of data augmentations to reduce the label bias.

Long Tailed Dataset

  • CIFAR100/10-LT imbalance factor(IF) is defined by $\beta = {N{max}}/{N{min}}$.
  • ImageNet-LT and Places-LT: used Pareto distribution to sample the subsets.
  • iNaturalist 2018: previously divided into many-shot, medium-shot, few-shot parts.


  1. self-supervised and self-distillation is the same concept that just apply two kinds of data augmentaion to the same image, and use either -plog(q) or KL(p||q) as the loss function. Another method is using decoder to reconstruct the imge, then use Mean Square Error to optimize the distance between the augmented image and the reconstructed image.
  2. different experts need different networks ??????

(ICCV2023) MDCS: More Diverse Experts with Consistency Self-distillation for Long-tailed Recognition

  • It is good that more diverse experts and less variance among these experts. DL for the former, CS for the latter.

  • DL (Diversity Loss) add different distribution weights w to CrossEntropyLoss for different experts. $ w = \lambda log(N^{C}) $. $N^{C}$ is a list consisting the number of training samples for each category.

  • CS (Consistency Self-distillation) means the weakly and strongly augmentation to an input image, their raw logits from the network output should be similar. The similarity between these versions is measured by KL-divergence. But before KL-divergence computation, the raw logits should be going through diversity softmax which has the weight distribution parameter $\lambda$ for logits adjustment.
    • When $\lambda > 1$, it has the effect of generating a reversed weight of long-tailed distribution. ?????
    • When $\lambda < 0$, it has the effect of aggravating the imbalance of original long-tailed distribution.
    • When $\lambda$ in (0,1), it can weaken the influence of long-tailed distribution.

  • CIS (Confident Instances Sampling) filters those correctly classified instances which can join the KL-divergence Loss to prevent CS distills from all instances introducing biased knowledge.

total loss

code: https://github.com/fistyee/MDCS

(ICCV2023) When Noisy Labels Meet Long Tail Dilemmas: A Representation Calibration Method

2 Problem: noisy labels and long tail class

MOCO code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/moco

(CVPR2023)Learning Imbalanced Data with Vision Transformers

code: https://github.com/XuZhengzhuo/LiVT

  • Proposed Balanced version of Binary CrossEntroy Loss (Bal-BCE) instead of Balanced CrossEntropy (BCE).

BCE logits bias is: $\log{\pi_{yi}}$
Bal-bCE logits bias is: $\log{\pi
{yi}} – \log({1-\pi{y_i}})$


Bal-bCE can

  1. enlarges the margins to increase the difficulty of the tail(smaller $\pi_{y_i}$).
  2. further reduces the head (larger $\pi_{y_i}$) inter-class distances with larger positive values.

The extra term $log(C-1)$ will increase ViT’s training stability, expecially when the class number C gets larger.

(CVPR2022)Nested Collaborative Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

code: https://github.com/Bazinga699/NCL

Hard Category Mining(HCM), how to select the hard categories.

Nested Individual Learning

Nested Balanced Online Distillation(NBOD)

Feature Enhancement via Self-Supervision

total loss

(ICCV2023**)Subclass-balancing Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Recognition

code: https://github.com/JackHck/SBCL

SCL(Supervised Contrastive Learning)

KCL(K-positive Contrastive Learning)


cluster algorithm

SBCL (SubClass Balancing Contrastive Learning)

For supervised contrastive learning, a low temperature makes relative high penalty on feature distribution. So, $\tau_1<\tau_2$ means more penalty on the first term in the SBCL Loss, i.e. more tight in the same cluster.

Temperature update

training algorithm

(CVPR2019**)Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World

OLTR: Open Long Tailed Recognition

code: https://github.com/zhmiao/OpenLongTailRecognition-OLTR

The t-SNE and attention visulation shall be fouced on.

This work fills the void in practical benchmarks for imbalanced classification, few-shot learning, and open-set recognition.

(ICLR2020)Decoupling Representation and Classifier for Long-Tailed Recognition

Following OLTR(2019)

code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/classifier-balancing

The findings are surprising:

  • (1) data imbalance might not be an issue in learning high-quality representations;
  • (2) with representations learned with the simplest instance-balanced (natural) sampling, it is also possible to achieve strong long-tailed recognition ability by adjusting only the classifier.

(ECCV2020)Learning From Multiple Experts: Self-paced Knowledge Distillation for Long-tailed Classification

Following OLTR(2019)

LFME: Learning From Multiple Experts, $1^{th}$ with multi-experts ???????

code: https://github.com/xiangly55/LFME

Heuristic: networks trained on less imbalanced subsets of the distribution often yield better performances than their jointly-trained counterparts.

dataset partition and experts

Self-paced Expert Selection

when $Acc_M$, i.e. the student model accuracy approaches to $Acc_E$, i.e. the experts model accuracy, the weight discrease from 1 to 0.


training process:

How to get the unified Model
I guess there is only one model template for all experts. The same model using different data constructs the conscept of different experts.

(ICCV2023**)Global Balanced Experts for Federated Long-Tailed Learning

code: https://github.com/Spinozaaa/Federated-Long-tailed-Learning

Above v is logits, s stands for softmax function. But how to get $\pi$ ???

However, the above content may not be enough for CVPR, so adding DP is a good choice. The hyperparameter fintuning process can be fed into the ablation study.

(CVPR2020)Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning

code: https://github.com/facebookresearch/moco

(CVPR2023) Transfer Knowledge from Head to Tail:Uncertainty Calibration under Long-tailed Distribution


wasserstein distance


(CVPR2023) Curvature-Balanced Feature Manifold Learning for Long-Tailed Classification

no code.
It opens up a geometric analysis perspective on model bias and reminds researchers to pay attention to model bias on non-long-tailed and even sample balanced datasets.

(ICCV2023) Learning in Imperfect Environment: Multi-Label Classification with Long-Tailed Distribution and Partial Labels

It presented a fire-new task called PLT-MLC and correspondingly developed a novel framework, named COMIC. COMIC simultaneously addresses the partial labeling and long-tailed environments in a Correction → Modification → Balance learning manner.

code: https://github.com/wannature/COMIC

(CVPR2023)Towards Realistic Long-Tailed Semi-Supervised Learning: Consistency Is All You Need

unlabeled dataset: STL10-LT
ACR realizes the dynamic refinery of pseudolabels
for various distributions in a unified formula by estimating
the true class distribution of unlabeled data.


code: https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/logit_adjustment

(ECCV2020)Distribution-Balanced Loss for Multi-Label Classification in Long-Tailed Datasets

code: https://github.com/wutong16/DistributionBalancedLoss

It presented a new loss function called Distribution-Balanced Loss for the multi-label recognition problems that exhibit long-tailed class distributions

(CVPR2023) Balanced Product of Calibrated Experts for Long-Tailed Recognition


code: https://github.com/emasa/BalPoE-CalibratedLT


(ICCV2023) Local and Global Logit Adjustments for Long-Tailed Learning

no code

(CVPR2023) FEND: A Future Enhanced Distribution-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Long-tail Trajectory Prediction

code: https://github.com/ynw2021/FEND JUST A README.md

(CVPR2023) Use Your Head: Improving Long-Tail Video Recognition

code: https://github.com/tobyperrett/lmr

(CVPR2023) Class-Conditional Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Deep Long-Tailed Recognition

code: https://github.com/zzpustc/CC-SAM

(CVPR2023) Long-Tailed Visual Recognition via Self-Heterogeneous Integration with Knowledge Excavation

code: https://github.com/jinyan-06/SHIKE

(CVPR2023) Rethinking Image Super Resolution from Long-Tailed Distribution Learning Perspective

no code

(CVPR2023) SuperDisco: Super-Class Discovery Improves Visual Recognition for the Long-Tail

no code

(CVPR2023) No One Left Behind: Improving the Worst Categories in Long-Tailed Learning

no code

(CVPR2023) Global and Local Mixture Consistency Cumulative Learning for Long-tailed Visual Recognitions

code: https://github.com/ynu-yangpeng/GLMC

(CVPR2022) Trustworthy Long-Tailed Classification

code: https://github.com/lblaoke/TLC

(CVPR2021) Improving Calibration for Long-Tailed Recognition

code: https://github.com/dvlab-research/MiSLAS

(CVPR2020) Equalization Loss for Long-Tailed Object Recognition

code: https://github.com/tztztztztz/eql.detectron2

(CVPR2019) Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples

code : https://github.com/richardaecn/class-balanced-loss

(ICCV2023) AREA: Adaptive Reweighting via Effective Area for Long-Tailed Classification

code: https://github.com/xiaohua-chen/AREA

(ICCV2023) Boosting Long-tailed Object Detection via Step-wise Learning on Smooth-tail Data

no code

(ICCV2023) Reconciling Object-Level and Global-Level Objectives for Long-Tail Detection

code: https://github.com/EricZsy/ROG

(ICCV2023) Label-Noise Learning with Intrinsically Long-Tailed Data

code: https://github.com/Wakings/TABASCO

(NIPS2019) Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss

code: https://github.com/kaidic/LDAM-DRW

(NIPS2020) Long-Tailed Classification by Keeping the Good and Removing the Bad Momentum Causal Effect

code: https://github.com/KaihuaTang/Long-Tailed-Recognition.pytorch

(NIPS2020) Rethinking the Value of Labels for Improving Class-Imbalanced Learning

code: https://github.com/YyzHarry/imbalanced-semi-self



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